Posted on 7/26/2022

Never ignore car sounds, these signify that there's a problem. Ignoring them does not help as sooner or later something out of the usual and perhaps dangerous may happen. We have summed up 4 of the most common car sounds to keep a lookout for. Squealing when being started Rattling when driving over speed bumps Squealing when moving the steering wheel Squealing when stepping on brake pedals Squealing When Being Started This sound could possibly mean that the serpentine belt is failing or almost completely useless. This long rubber belt may be located attached to the crankshaft or AC compressor, alternator, power steering as well as other pumps. This however depends on your vehicle's model. The most common reason your serpentine belt could be making unwanted noises is basically due to wear and tear form being used. Failing to deal with it sooner could leave you with a broken AC and potentially stranded one day. Rattling When Driving Over Speed Bumps Your car's suspens ... read more
Posted on 6/29/2022
Even though we use them on a regular basis, vehicle lights are some of the most overlooked car components. For the safety of you and others, it is your responsibility to keep your headlights in check. Your car lights should be clean, lit, and aimed properly. Read on to learn more about how to better care for your vehicle’s lighting. Testing the Headlights We recommend testing and checking to see if your car lights work every several months. These lights should include your reverse, side and tail, stop, and fog lights. Your headlights are especially important. You can do a simple walk around. However, if you want to be extra precise, you can use a test bulb kit. Once you’ve checked off every single light, you’ll need to assess your headlights’ aim. The best way to determine whether your headlights need realignment is to judge others’ reactions to your car. Or, you can ask for a friend to help. All in all, if you can’t clearly see the ... read more
Posted on 5/24/2022

Performing a pre-purchase inspection (PPI) before purchasing a secondhand car is critical. Inspection and testing alone will not tell you whether a car has mechanical or safety issues if you are unfamiliar with automobiles and their mechanisms. What is a Pre-purchase Inspection? Before making a purchase, a buyer performs a pre-purchase examination, as the term implies. Before purchasing a used car, it's a good idea to have a mechanic inspect the vehicle's exterior and inside. Buyers who aren't familiar with automobile mechanics can't tell if a secondhand car requires repairs or if it has any other issues. Because the PPI is designed to prevent you from getting a lemon, its goal is to ensure that you do not. What Happens During a Pre-purchase Vehicle Inspection? Pre-purchase vehicle inspections are recommended for all used car purchases. Getting to know the car's history and condition can help you decide whether to buy it. To av ... read more
Posted on 4/27/2022

A catalytic converter is a device that's fitted to the exhaust system of your car. It allows your vehicle to operate more cleanly and efficiently by burning off harmful pollutants before they have an opportunity to pollute the air around you. Catalytic Converters are required on all vehicles, new and old. For a while now, cars have been required to have catalytic converters with them at all times (which is why you may see the name on your vehicle's engine). Catalytic converters use an oxidizer such as a special type of varnish made from ammonia, urea, and water. This substance reacts with gasoline to create an air-fuel mixture that can be used in an internal combustion engine. The converter does not actually burn the fuel; it simply tricks the car's internal combustion engine into making it think that it has already burned all of the fuel in its cylinders by releasing small amounts of unburned gas back into the intake system. With greater efficiency comes reduced emission ... read more
Posted on 3/23/2022

From this title, you may be confused about what we mean when saying, "successfully" buying a used car. The reality is that buying a used car can be risky, and it can come with a lot of headaches if you're not careful. When you're looking to buy a used car, especially from a private seller, there are certain things you should do beforehand to solidify your decision. Do Your Research - You may find a vehicle that fits below your price range with better mileage or quality than you ever expected. Sometimes, all of it can seem too good to be true, and you don't want to get scammed. So please remember to research the seller, the specific make and model, and compare prices before replying to the listing. Get a Pre-Purchase Inspection - You've reached out to the seller, and you go to look at the car yourself. Unless you're a professional mechanic, it may be hard to tell the true condition of the vehicle's parts. We offer pre-purchase inspections at Prestige ... read more